
Languages, tools and frameworks I am skilled in. Not by any means an exhaustive list but rather a most relevant one.


    • JavaScript/TypeScript/Node.js & HTML/CSS

      The meat and potatoes of my day-to-day job.

    • C++ (up to C++23)

      I haven't really used C++ professionally for some time now but I still play around with it as it's my first love.

    • GLSL, renderman & mental ray

      As a visual effects programmer I wrote shaders for various projects.

    • Haskell & PureScript

      Haskell is my favorite language but have never used it professionally.

    • Rust

      I've had a little exposure to Rust. I wrote a raytracer using Rust over a weekend while learning the language. Thoroughly enjoyed the language and I plan to do more in the near future.

    • Python

      Mostly used for visual effects development, but have used a little in my day-to-day job for existing microservices.


    • React/React Native & ecosystem

      React is my personal preference for a frontend framework.

    • Vue & ecosystem

      But this is what I use professionally at Lessonspace.

    • Express, HAPI & Fastify

      Part of the Lessonspace infrastructure is built using Fastify which is what I'm most familiar with at the moment.

    • Gatsby & Next.js

      I built this site using Next.js.

    • Django

      Have used a little.

    • Sanity & Hygraph (GraphCMS)

      I used Sanity for this site.


    • PostgreSQL

    • MongoDB

    • Redis


  • REST & GraphQL


    • GitHub and GitLab

    • Docker

    • Sentry

    • Hashicorp Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vagrant and Packer

    • AWS

    • Grafana, Prometheus, Mimir, Loki and Tempo


  • Windows, Linux and Mac